
Collection of key-value storages adapters for Golang

This project is maintained by reddec


Sharding is a process to distribute data through multiple storages.

              storage1 (data from 0..x)
data(0...N) πŸ‘’ storage2 (data from 0..y)
              storageM (data from 0..z)

Sharded storage mimics to usual Storage interface so target consumers should work with it as usual.

Constructor for sharding storage is Sharded(pool).

Distribution logic is pluggable by ShardPool that responsible for storage allocation and caching (if needed).

Usage is quite straightforward:

shardedStorage := Sharded(pool)
defer shardedStorage.Close()
// then as usual storage

There are some pre-defined pool implementations



Hashed pool bases on some integer hash calculated on key and then scaled to number of shard.

KEY - key bytes
N - number of shards

H(key) -> :u32  // hash functin, where result in range [0..2^32-1)
S(key) -> :u32  // shard id, where id in range [0..N)

S(key) = H(key) % N 

By default sharded.New is using CRC32-IEEE as hash function. It could be enough for testing for several cases it could be not enough.

It’s possible to use any custom hash function by using sharded.NewCustom.

Number of shards should be constant. If you need to change number of shards you have to make a new sharded storage with new number of shard and copy data from old storage.



Shards num: 3

pool := sharded.NewHashed(3, func(shardID uint32) (storage storages.Storage, e error) {
    return memstorage.New(), nil

shardedStorage := storages.Sharded(pool)
defer shardedStorage.Close()

BBolts DB as storage

Shards num: 3

pool := sharded.NewHashed(3, func(shardID uint32) (storage storages.Storage, e error) {
    return boltdb.NewDefault(fmt.Sprtin("shard-", shardID))

shardedStorage := storages.Sharded(pool)
defer shardedStorage.Close()

Different storages

pool := sharded.NewHashed(2, func(shardID uint32) (storage storages.Storage, e error) {
    if shardID == 0 {
        return boltdb.NewDefault(fmt.Sprtin("shard-", shardID))    
    return leveldbstorage.New(fmt.Sprtin("shard-", shardID))

shardedStorage := storages.Sharded(pool)
defer shardedStorage.Close()