
Collection of key-value storages adapters for Golang

This project is maintained by reddec


Typed wrapper around any storage with JSON encoding by default with in-memory cache.

Usage of typedstorage:
  -codec string
        Encoder/Decoder for the type: json, msgp (default "json")
  -out string
        Output file (default: <type name>_storage.go)
  -package string
        Output package (default: same as in input file)
  -prefix string
        Custom key prefix
  -type string
        Type name to wrap

Note: msgp codec requires msgp binding

Embedded usage example:

type Sample struct {
    // ...

//go:generate typedcache -type Sample

will produce (methods body omitted, see sample dir for details)

// Two level storage for Sample
type CachedSampleStorage struct {
	cold storages.Storage   // persist storage
	hot  map[string]*Sample // cache storage
	lock sync.RWMutex

// Creates new storage for Sample with custom cache
func NewCachedSampleStorage(cold storages.Storage) *CachedSampleStorage {}

// Put single Sample encoded in JSON into cold and hot storage
func (cs *CachedSampleStorage) Put(key string, item *Sample) error {}

Get single Sample from hot storage and decode data as JSON.
If key is not in hot storage, the cold storage is used and obtained data is put to the hot storage for future cache
func (cs *CachedSampleStorage) Get(key string) (*Sample, error) {}

// Fetch all data from cold storage to the hot storage (warm cache)
func (cs *CachedSampleStorage) Fetch() error {}

// Keys copied slice that cached in hot storage
func (cs *CachedSampleStorage) Keys() []string {}

// Del key from hot and cold storage
func (cs *CachedSampleStorage) Del(key string) error {}

func (cs *CachedSampleStorage) getMissed(key string) (*Sample, error) {}