
Collection of key-value storages adapters for Golang

This project is maintained by reddec


API docs

REST-like storage. Expects keys in standard base-64 encoding. Server interface should be like described:

Method Path Success status Description
GET / 200 Array of all keys. New line - new key.
GET /:key 200 Content of key as-is without encoding
POST /:key 204 Update or insert value for key
DELETE /:key 204 Remove key. Removing non-existent should be not an error

Returned status as not the same as expected in success column means error. Special case for GET /:key when there is no key in a storage, but operation successful: 404 MUST be returned.

Expose storage

You may expose any storage that follow Storage interface by simple wrapper: NewServer(storage)

URL initialization

Do not forget to import package!

http:// or https:// plain url to remote backend



Example client

storage := rest.New("")
// Get, Keys and so on

Example server

const exportPath = "/path/to/storage/"
handler := rest.NewServer(myStorage)

http.Handle(exportPath, http.StripPrefix(exportPath, handler))
// ...
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)